Tuesday, May 10, 2005

First 3 weeks part III

Monday was devastating when I walked in and asked if class was in the same place and they'd sent me back a level. I spent the whole class fuming, especially since no one had even discussed it with me. After class, I saw my old teacher and she asked where I'd been. So it turns out it had only been an administrative error but I still felt irritated by the morning's events. So Tuesday I was happy to go back up to level 4 and felt silly for not having double checked before going into the wrong class. Friday was Simone's going away dinner. This is so hard, we make friends every week then every week some other great friend leaves. That will be the worst part about being here, the endless goodbyes. Hopefully at least we'll be able to keep in touch with the key people who come and go over these three months. Now there are only me, Cristina and Chad from the original group who are over 25 (or even over 20!). It's funny because a lot of times I feel like I'm in college again, but just feel a lot more tired after going out. Oliver continues to have a great time, and is making friends too (I wonder if what language they speak in??). The other night I was getting ready to turn the lights off and heard a scratch on the window. It really scared me because Ollie was already inside. I look out the curtain and there is a black cat with big green eyes staring in, like he belonged there! Then a couple of days later, Ollie hadn't come for bed when I called him so I left the window open for him and when I heard noises coming in, I turned on the light to shut the window and that damn black cat was looking at me. He shot out the window when I yelled at him and called for Ollie, who came right away. I do NOT want strange animals, especially Pet Sematary cats, coming in my house. I have enough with capturing lizards that Oliver's hunted and taking them back outside into the garden.
Victor came this weekend and we had a couple of hours to look around Montpellier city center before going to another going-away bbq, for a German girl, Kirsten. Then Sunday we went to Aiguesmortes, a cool 12th century village that was once the maritime gateway to Montpellier and Nimes, and port to the Crusades built by St. Louis. It is surrounded by a huge wall and a tower 6-meters thick to protect it from raiders, though the Tour de Constance was later used as a prisoner of Protestants when the edict of Nantes was revoked. The town has changed almost not at all, except for rampant tourism and a tasty shop of homemade cookies and candies you can buy by the kilo! Have I mentioned my pants have gotten tighter since I got here? Between the wine, cheese, and croissants, there's nothing I can do! That's it for weeks 3- I will try to do better at keeping a regular log and also post photos sooon.

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